Best Soil for Money Tree – Reviews and Buyer’s Guide [March 2022]

The money tree is native to China and has found its way into modern residences. This greenery thrives in vicinities having average-to-high humidity, bright and indirect insolation, well-drained clod with a pH range from 6.0 to 7.5, and temperatures between  60°F and 85°F. It is intolerant to full light, which causes withering and poorly drained soils that lead to root rot; hence it prefers loam and sand soils.

Money tree growers should primarily base their soil option on its drainage. The owner can elevate this soil property by adding vermiculite, compost, mulch, and perlite elements. This activity is capable of making regular soil viable for use. Cactus blends also suffice. In this article, we will be discussing:

  1. The best potting soil for money tree
  2. The most habitable pH level for money tree soil
  3. Factors considered when choosing soil for money tree
  4. The watering protocol for money trees
  5. Temperature and air conditioning for potted money trees
  6. When to feed potted money trees

Best Potting Soil for Money Tree

ParameterEspoma Organic Potting MixMiracle-Gro Potting MixFoxFarm Happy FrogFoxFarm Ocean ForestEspoma Organic Cactus Mix
Mass in-lbs4.9159.788.493.5
When to useAnytime planting containersPotting or re-pottingSeeding and top-dressingSeeding and top-dressingAnytime planting containers
Contents in the soilPeat, humus, compost, lime, kelp, yucca, perlite, alfalfaComposted bark, horticultural barkBat guano, composted forest by-products, peatEarthworm castings, sandy loam, fish emulsion, perlite Peat, compacted forest by-products, lime, humus yucca, perlite 

Espoma Organic Potting Mix – Best Soil for Money Tree Plant

The Espoma Organic Potting Mix meets every soil factor required for money tree nourishment. Its perlite innards drastically propel its drainage and increase the moisture content available to the sapling’s rhizome system due to the blend’s water retention. Its organic constituents like vermiculite and compost supply sufficient minerals for the greenery.

Annual re-potting in progressively larger vessels is advisable to accommodate rhizome development. Moisturize the earth frequently, only when the top clod is dry to avert flooding. The minerals availed by the mix may leach due to sousing; hence monthly feeding is necessary, preferably using Espoma Organic Plant Food.


  • Elevated drainage
  • Excellent water retention
  • Sufficient mineral supply


  • Leaching due to drenching, which requires frequent feeding

Miracle-Gro Potting Mix – Best Potting Soil for Money Tree

This formulation is a fortification of peat, which makes the drainage conditions conducive for the sapling. Its additive-free innards of composted matter feed the sapling bi-annually with enough minerals for sturdy growth, resulting in noticeable  lush foliage and vibrancy of the herbage 

When utilizing Miracle-Gro Potting Mix, fill a vessel with it about ⅓ full. The vessel should have a drainage hole. Place a loosened rhizome ball in the vessel. Add the mix and lightly press before sousing. Let the moisture drain. If not used within its applicable range, it could spawn soil compaction, which is detrimental to the flora.


  • Heightened seepage
  • Mineral reserves for a long duration
  • Manifests lush herbage 


  • Soil compaction if incorrectly utilized

FoxFarm Happy Frog – Best Money Tree Soil

FoxFarm Happy Frog contains organic materials such as composted manure that escalates microbe activity necessary to produce minerals. As a result, this avails the right supplements for the greenery. It elevates moisture seepage due to its perlite elements.

Employing this earth mix is an easy task. Fill a vessel with dirt 1 inch below the rhizome’s top edge. Drench immediately after planting the money tree to jumpstart microbe activity in the dirt. Feed the sapling with FoxFarm dressings throughout its growth duration. It is, however, susceptible to fungus if stored in damp conditions. 


  • Escalated drainage
  • Maintains high microbe activity
  • Satisfactory moisture retention


  • Susceptible to fungus and bug attraction in dampness

FoxFarm Ocean Forest – Best Organic Soil for Money Trees

The incorporation of compacted forest by-product innards and perlite results in FoxFarm Ocean Forest’s drainage efficiency. With its organic elements to boot, this clod mix avails sufficient minerals, thus ensuring lush greenery.

When utilizing, fill a vessel with dirt 2.5 cm beneath the vessel’s opening, then drench rigorously after establishing your money tree. For existent greenery, dress a 7.5 cm topsoil veneer of the dirt while surrounding the existing saplings and blend into the earth vigilantly and souse thoroughly. This blend is, however, susceptible to bugs and fungus.


  • Mineral sufficiency
  • Moisture retention
  • Drainage efficiency


  • Susceptibility to fungus

Espoma Organic Cactus Mix – Best Cactus Soil for Money Trees

The peat compacted materials and perlite in this formulation contribute to this mix’s superior drainage that stands in the advantage of your sapling. Moreover, its humus constituents elevate microbe activity, facilitating mineral production for the sapling. Its lime content adjusts the clod pH to the desired value that favors the greenery’s flourish. 

Yearly re-potting is necessary. Be sure to use a substantial vessel to accommodate the rhizome development. This activity is essential during the early Spring. Position the greenery in a shaded area for a fortnight post repotting. Frequent drenching is advisable after complete drainage of the water.


  • Superior drainage
  • Amendments to adjust soil pH
  • Escalates microbe activity


  • Compacts if stored in damp conditions

Buyer’s Guide

What Kind of Potting Soil for Money Tree Is Useful?

The most favorable clod should have adequate moisture seepage to avert rhizome decay. Peaking this earth property is possible by incorporating equal parts of perlite, sand, and peat.

What Is the Best pH Level for Money Tree Soil?

The preferred pH level for a money tree soil is the neutral state of 7.0. If your dirt’s pH does not range between 6.0 and 7.5, employ limestone to serve as a remedy by lowering the soil’s acidity to acceptable values.

What Factors Need to Be Considered When Choosing Soil for Money Trees?

The soil drainage is the most crucial factor to keep in mind since the money tree’s development is primarily based on it. Moreover, its organic innards should constitute of kelp meals, compacted forest products, humus or earthworm castings, which avail minerals for the sapling. In addition to this, scout for the clod’s acidity and moisture reservation.

What Are the Necessary Indoor Conditions for Potted Money Trees?

It is advisable to turn off hot air vents for residences within rooms where the plant is since it could scorch it. Also, spray water mist on your plant to avert potential withering. Water it regularly and keep it in a partially lit environment. 

Is It Necessary to Feed My Potted Money Trees?

Minerals in the earth mix may leach too quickly when drenching and drain away, leaving the greenery with insufficient nutrients. Every month, feeding the verdure is prudent using feeds with the same brand as the blend for compatibility.


Selecting the prime clods for money verdures is a prerequisite to their fine development and nourishment. Always consider soil types with superior seepage and moisture reservation attributes, neutral or slightly acidic with high microbial activity. Additionally, expose the plant to indirect daylight in humid conditions. With these conditions observed, healthy greenery is a sure guarantee.

Categories: Weed control
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